How To Leverage Your Limitations And Live The Bigger Future You Want

Have You Overcome The Zero Factor Yet?

Vision vs. Circumstances:

Listen up.

This might just be the most important part of gathering gravity.

What happens if you multiply any number by zero? The answer always falls to zero, right? Even if multiply a zillion by zero you still get zero results, yes?

Well this is one of those zero factors that makes your success either unavoidable or unattainable. Unless you learn and master this, you’ll find reaching meaningful, sustained success impossible (until you get unstuck).

So let’s get to it.

You have two choices as to how you can live your life. You can live it from your vision for it. Or by allowing your circumstances to dictate your life and determine its direction.

One makes the impossible, possible. The other will have you throw your hands in the air with frustration and disgust at the world for serving you a “raw deal.”

One gives you (and only YOU) absolute control over your life. The other places you at the effect of the whim of the world.

One is empowering and inspiring. The other is depressing and will have you declare, “I guess gathering gravity just doesn’t work for ME.”

We’ll talk about circumstances first.

Circumstances are your perceived problems standing in between where your are in the current moment and the bigger future you want. Your life’s situation is what it is. All of us have numerous reasons, conditions, and/or circumstances that can prevent us from living the life we want (if we let them limit us).

Here’s some typical circumstances that might be limiting your life right now:

  • …I don’t have the energy and/or enough time to ___________ (I’m too busy). 
  • …I don’t know _________________.
  • …I don’t have enough support, help, relationships, etc. (no one will help me and I can’t do it alone)
  • …I don’t have enough proof it will work; all my experience proves it will be too difficult (it’s too big and nobody’s done it before because my circumstances is different).
  • …I’m surrounded by liars, thieves, and cheats so I can’t win against them because I refuse to sink to their level.
  • …I don’t have enough skills, education, experience, etc. (I’m not strong enough).
  • …What I want is too risky to pursue.
  • …All the family drama I have to put up with every time I want to do something for myself is too painful.
  • …I don’t deserve it (I’m not worthy enough yet).
  • …My personality won’t allow me to go for it (I’m not motivated, driven, outgoing, etc.).
  • …I don’t have enough money, resources, knowledge, etc.
  • …I don’t have enough savings to follow my heart.
  • …I tried it before and it didn’t work for me.
  • …I’m not smart enough to make this work.
  • …This stuff won’t work for me because my life and personal situation is different.
  • …I’m not clear, I don’t understand, I need more clarity to figure this life puzzle out.
  • …I’m totally alone and my kids depend on me so I can’t do it now even though I really want to.
  • …I just lost my job, so right now I can’t (I can’t afford it).
  • …My spouse, partner, family doesn’t support me and I can’t continue when I’m being beat down by the world at every turn.
  • …I’m facing unfair “rules” that makes what I want impossible.
  • …I’m too old (or too young); I don’t have enough credibility, experience, respect, etc. to pull it off.
  • …I’m scared (I still haven’t overcome my fear of success and failure).

…and on; and on; and OOONNNN…..

Get the idea?

These are all circumstances; real conditions of real life situations, right? Yes, our current circumstances are they are “real” in the sense that they do exist (we ain’t making them up or imaging the conditions).

HOWEVER, our life situations, circumstances, and conditions can only limit us if we let them. Therefore any effect they have on your future IS completely made up and only exists in your minds. Circumstances are not limiting unless we believe them to be.

Otherwise how can the exact same situation stop one person, yet be the driving force behind success for another?

See, there are as many reasons why someone CAN’T succeed at living the life they want, as there are grains of sand on South Beach Miami.

I’m sorry to have to break the news to you, but the question is not IF you’re going to hit roadblocks in your journey to success… because unforeseen circumstances, conditions, and situations will happen.


The real question is how will you choose to react when an unfortunate situation does take you by surprise? Will it stop or spur you on?

Will you choose and make decisions concerning your life based on your VISION of the bigger future you want… or based on all the circumstantial crap that life serves up?

When we make decisions because of our on current conditions, you focus all your creative powers on why it’s impossible to live your dreams. It makes us argue FOR why we can’t have what we really want. We end up actually justifying our limitations.

Forget about searching for a solution. In fact, we do the opposite. Remember, we look for, collect, and store all the evidence we can find that “proves” why these circumstances are insurmountable.

We have an unconscious need to justify to the world why we’re stuck in the situation we don’t like. This process automatically rejects any idea, possibility, or prospective contrary to our long list of justifications. It filters out anything that doesn’t jive with our unconscious beliefs so we can continue to be right about why we’re trapped. Why it’s beyond our control to change things.

Albeit 100% unconscious, we wear all this so called evidence as a badge of honor because it supposedly proves why we’re limited. See, if we suddenly became aware our freedom isn’t controlled by conditions, we loose our built in scapegoat for the powerlessness we feel over our lives.

It’s craziness.

Until we break this unconscious cycle, we’d rather gather all the evidence we can to prove we are right to blame our circumstances than to take power and control back over it.

Here’s the good news: Decide to live life from your vision of a bigger future and you set the polar opposite power to work for you. It’ll have you living in terms of possibilities (your “what-if” vision for what you want). Because it activates a completely different set of unconscious filters.

Now you’ll look for, collect, and store all the evidence you can find that “proves” why your current circumstances are the stepping-stones to what you want.

Living from your vision actually blinds you to failure because it reprograms your mind to filter out anything that moves you away from that bigger future. Switch to this prospective and you’ll find yourself automatically arguing for possibilities of “there’s a way” instead of “I’m stuck, it’s hopeless.”

See, a person who lives from vision collects evidence that proves she can make it happen and is blind to anything of the contrary. Who she is being (remember the last chapter on self concept?), what she tunes into, are all things that support her vision of what she wants to experience (no matter how long it takes to see the results).

Whatever we tune into controls what we look for.

And what we look for, we will see.

Which end of the seesaw you wind up on is a matter of choice (and perspective): Vision or Circumstances. It’s the flip side of the same coin.

Vision says…

“I will have this happen REGARDLESS of the outside circumstances. The world will either see me victoriously pounding my chest from the summit of the mountain or find me dead along the way because I refuse to give up. I will not be denied.”

What if you decided to have that type of committed vision towards your life? Nothing would be impossible. Do you really think any of so-called roadblocks listed above stands a chance against a mindset like that? If you had that kind of commitment exuding from you, is there anything you could think of (or would ever encounter) that could possibly keep you from your eventual success?

Of course not.

Because, in the light of the grand vision you have for your life, any situation, condition, or circumstance is only temporary, right?

Think about some of the greatest visionary leaders of our times (or the leaders and top money earners in the world for that matter). People like JFK, Henry Ford, Martin Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Oprah, Jay-Z, and, of course, the Google boys; these brave souls shifted the entire world because of their guts to stand for their vision of a much bigger future.

But do you really think it was clear sailing for them or do you think they had to conquer some major league negative circumstances along the way?

I mean, what do you think JFK encountered when he declared he would “… put a man on the moon by the end of the decade?” Talk about a man of vision. All he had to work with was his vision. After all, at the time he made that decision, human space travel wasn’t even a possibility yet… he had not one single role model to follow.

And, yet that’s not the case for you.

After all, you know it’s POSSIBLE because you’re holding the roadmap to doing it in your hands right now. Tons of people have already figured out how to gather gravity on any subject you want to figure out. And this Double G website is dedicated helping you gather the gravity necessary so you can create that bigger future you deserve.

But not JFK. Nope. No role models blazed the trail before him; definitely no blueprint; no one ever walked on the moon until JFK’s “crazy” vision was made manifest in the world. I’m quite sure JFK got sick and tired of all the criticism and “nay-sayers” he faced along the way to realize his vision. But he didn’t let them stop him, did he?

What about Henry Ford? When Ford decided to produce his now famous V8 engine, all of the engineers that worked for him, stuck in their present circumstances, said it was impossible to cast an 8-cylinder engine block in one piece. But Ford, standing in his vision (and I’m told stubbornness… which can be very positive if channeled correctly) made all his decisions from that vision (not the circumstances) and told his engineers “I want it, I shall have it so go make it happen, produce it anyway.”

I’m sure his engineers tried to convince him that he was crazy. That he had to stop clinging to an engineering “impossibility” because they were “smarter” than him. Because if Ford understood everything they did about engineering, he’d see they were right and he was wrong.

However, as we now know, Ford’s vision (and resolve to have it) was stronger than their circumstances and beliefs about the situation. He told them to “stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required.” They tried everything. Worked day and night for over a year without success.

Still they were convinced it was “impossible.” But it wasn’t impossible for Henry. His vision was so real he saw it as if it was already a reality. Ford was clear that nothing else mattered. It was clear, in no uncertain terms, that he wanted it. That he would have it. And that he was unwilling to accept anything less.

Then, one day, as if by magic (by the way, a committed vision really is magic – it produces amazing miracles) Ford’s vision won out over the engineers’ circumstances… and they “stumbled upon” the solution. Thus, the solid block V-8 engine was created.

How about what Nelson Mandela encountered on his “Long Walk To Freedom”? He was thrown in jail and falsely imprisoned for 27 YEARS because of his vision. Yet, his vision (and therefore his freedom and power) eventually won out over the conditions.

What JFK, Ford, and Mandela faced kinda makes any conditions or circumstances you face seem like child’s play, doesn’t it? After all, there were a whole lot more “limitations” standing between JFK, Ford, & Mandela than I’m guessing exists for any of us, right?

Get “it”?

If so, you have just discovered how to guarantee your success. If you missed it (even if you didn’t miss it for that matter) I suggest you go back and read it again. In fact, I suggest you read it every day until you “own” it as a part of who you are.

How do you know when you “own” it? When you’re unwilling to settle for anything less than the bigger future you want: your life’s mission, dreams and desires. When you have the attitude of “I will not be denied. Period.”

Before we get to the “how,” let’s take a brief look at the “why” – WHY your life vision is the strongest gathering gravity power you’ve got. It holds the secret that makes people stand in line and beg you to guide them to live a bigger future themselves. It’s how you’ll flip the tables and enjoy success chasing you.

Think about someone you respect. Someone you have ultimate confidence in. A man or woman you’d follow (maybe even take a bullet for). The kind of person who inspires others to action. A real leader who you (and everyone else) can’t ever to get enough of being around. You know, they have that twinkle in their eyes, a certain something that sparks a desire in you to join their ranks and be a part of whatever they’re up to, right?

It just feels great to hang out with them. Because somehow they bring out the best in you. You feel better, fully empowered when you’re with them.

Got that person in mind?

I’d bet dollars to donuts that whoever you just thought of has a very clear and powerful vision for their life and knows exactly where they are heading next. Think about it. Are they a “lost soul” wandering around looking for a place to plug their umbilical cord in? Waiting to be granted permission to succeed?
Or are they a passionate, inspired, self-directed leader who knows because they say so is all the permission to win they need?

I’m betting that it’s the later of the two… that nothing short of death would deter them from their passions and intentions, right?

Let’s return for a moment to JFK. His vision changed the world. He inspired everyone. Millions upon millions of people would have followed him to the end of the earth. They were drawn to him, almost by magic. Excited by, and enrolled in, the picture he painted of bold possibilities. People are hungry to be a part of something bigger than them.

Have you ever looked at someone and knew instantly that they had the “Fire in the Belly”? That you just KNEW they were either already successful or on the fast track to success?

When someone has a powerful vision and direction for their life they communicate it without speaking a word.  It’s this non-verbal power that people pick up on (which, by the way, is much stronger than anything you can ever say, act, or fake). It’s what attracts people to us. It’s what makes people jump through hoops to qualify to belong. After all, everyone wants to be part of a winning team.

YOU can be that kind of person.

In fact, you are that person right now, this very moment… if you choose to be. The instant you start consciously choosing your actions based on possibilities (instead of limitations) you transform yourself into that kind of person.

Now, the “how” part is not hard. Actually, it is very simple. Anyone can do it. But it does take consistent effort (and so, very few people stick with it – see, the trap here is that because it’s easy to do, it’s also easy not to do).

For the majority of the world, when faced with a decision (however small or big) it’s rare to find someone who will actually stop and consciously take a beat to ask themselves, “Am I making this decision out of my vision or out of my circumstances?”

Yet, it is exactly this type of conscious decision-making that kicks your life into high gear. This type of self-monitoring takes effort in the beginning until it becomes a habit.

So, do you really want power and freedom that comes when you take your life back? Do you really want to gather gravity so you can attract success, people, and prosperity?

If so, the first step is to consciously stop and notice your “come-from” (are you operating from your vision or circumstances). Are your decisions possibility driven (based on your life vision) or are they controlled by the limitations of your current circumstances? Which side are you choosing from?

The second step is easy to say, even easier to understand, but takes discipline and consistent effort to apply:

Make sure that every time you catch yourself making a decision because of conditions, that you stop, think again and make a new decision out of your passionate vision for the bigger future you see for everyone who engages with you on any level.

So, the next time you feel anything like…

  • …I don’t have the energy and/or enough time to __________ (I’m too busy). 
  • …I don’t know _________________.
  • …I don’t have enough support, help, relationships, etc. (no one will help me and I can’t do it alone).
  • …I don’t have enough proof it will work; all my experience proves it will be too difficult (it’s too big and nobody’s done it before because my circumstances is different).
  • …I’m surrounded by liars, thieves, and cheats so I can’t win against them because I refuse to sink to their level.
  • …I don’t have enough skills, education, experience, etc. (I’m not strong enough).
  • …What I want is too risky to pursue.
  • …All the family drama I have to put up with every time I want to do something for myself is too painful.
  • …I don’t deserve it (I’m not worthy enough yet).
  • …My personality won’t allow me to go for it (I’m not motivated, driven, outgoing, etc.).
  • …I don’t have enough money, resources, knowledge, etc.
  • …I don’t have enough savings to follow my heart.
  • …I tried it before and it didn’t work for me.
  • …I’m not smart enough to make this work.
  • …This stuff won’t work for me because my life and personal situation is different.
  • …I’m not clear, I don’t understand, I need more clarity to figure this life puzzle out.
  • …I’m totally alone and my kids depend on me so I can’t do it now even though I really want to.
  • …I just lost my job, so right now I can’t (I can’t afford it).
  • …My spouse, partner, family doesn’t support me and I can’t continue when I’m being beat down by the world at every turn.
  • …I’m facing unfair “rules” that makes what I want impossible.
  • …I’m too old (or too young); I don’t have enough credibility, experience, respect, etc. to pull it off.
  • …I’m scared (I still haven’t overcome my fear of success and failure).

…or any of the other myriads of conditions, circumstances, or life situations that have previously been allowed to control or limit you…

Make up your mind that from here on out, from this moment forward you’ll look at those circumstances as gifts. As the opportunities they are for you to strengthen your visionary muscles.

I invite you to draw a line in the sand, this very second, and make the conscious decision to be:

A passionate, inspired, self-directed leader who knows because YOU ‘say so’ is all the permission needed to live a bigger future starting now.

When you choose to be this type of person, you exude confidence.

You’re filled with power because you know that although you might not see the answer right now, there IS a way you WILL overcome any circumstances standing between you and that bigger future. The world will succumb and bend to your will and you truly become unstoppable.

This type of a person is unwilling to settle for anything less than their desired outcome, not because they have to force it: but because they don’t fear it. They know the current situation is temporary and ask themselves empowering questions to focus (not force) the solution.

Here’s a few questions you can use to redirect to a vision prospective:

  1. If JFK overcame all the obstacles to putting a man on the moon, what can I do to overcome this?
  2. Who do I know who has faced similar problems and what did they do?
  3. Who can help?
  4. What can I read to help me find the answer?
  5. What would I do if my life depended on solving this?
  6. How can I solve this and have fun at the same time?
  7. Will what I’m choosing right now bring me closer to my bigger future or further away?
  8. Is this decision about what I want for myself… or is it about my fears?
  9. Five years from now, which will be more important?
  10. If not now — then when?

If you adopt this discipline, you’ll find you will attract higher, better and bigger possibilities (and therefore opportunities) than you ever dreamed possible.

You will attract situations and people in bigger leagues, up to playing much bigger games.

Remember it’s rooted in personal leadership.

And, in order for you to lead yourself and your life to freedom, you first have to be someone worthy of following.

You become such a man or woman the instant you begin thinking and believing in your vision and the unlimited possibilities it holds for you.

Got the vision? I knew you would 😉