Gathering Gravity and the Greener Grass Syndrome

Gathering Gravity and the
Greener Grass Syndrome

There is the tendency to compare what you have against what others have as being better (or worse) than yours.

This comparison is often how we decide how valuable we believe something to be.

On a personal note:

I think the secret is to be happy where you are… AND… to keep your aspirations strong so you keep growing. Keep moving towards attainment and fulfillment. And, yet stay grounded and passionate where you are.

Fulfilled… AND… eager to expand.

When you are happy with what is, life flows with a natural ease.

And, a funny (almost curious) thing is…

When you’re truly happy with where you are, you open the door to even greater possibilities (plus, you make progress a lot easier and faster when you’re free of desperation and fear-based action).

When you aren’t happy with what is, you’re focused on the negatives of the situation.

This controls our perception so all we look for (and therefore see) are the problems of the current situation. Life becomes about avoiding pain. Which means you make decisions based on which hurts less instead of which can potentially bring more joy, pleasure, and happiness into your life?

If your goal is to accumulate a certain amount of money so you can start living at some future point in time, you’re cheating yourself out of living right now, are you not?

It’s slippery slop into a trap because you’ll find that money solves a lot of things, but in and of itself will never make you happy when you’re not. It won’t fill the emptiness. Won’t give you purpose or meaning.

At least it never did for me.

Personally, I never found that sense of fulfillment I craved unless the money was a tangential byproduct of a worthwhile pursuit I knew would make a meaningful impact bigger than me.

If you aren’t happy while you’re making your millions, it ain’t gonna magically change when you finally hit your mental number (in fact, I found out the hard way, it makes things worse because you’ve been putting off truly living life for the lie that promises it’ll be worth the sacrifice because reaching your goal will fix everything).

Lots of people say,

When I make $XXX amount of money (or have X), then I’ll be happy… then I’ll have the freedom to do what really makes me happy.”

The problem is money, possessions, status, and the such never make you happy. Those are all things outside of yourself. As the cliche goes, “happiness is an inside job.”

Now, if you’ve never made big money before, I can guess what you might be thinking:

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that all before. And I just don’t buy it… it’s easy for you to say that, Joshua, you already know what it’s like to be a millionaire.”

Your inner dialogue?

Hey, I felt the exact same way before becoming a millionaire the first time. So I know how annoying this can be to hear.

However, I invite you to consider this…

As soon as you have some money, it will be very exciting. For me, it took about two years to come down off the high and realize that, “Hey, all this material stuff is great and I’ve enjoyed it, but is this all there is? How come this stuff doesn’t drive and motivate me anymore? How come I still feel empty, still feel stuck?

These days, things like joy, inner peace and harmony are so much more important than money.

You know, the things that feed you spiritually, personally, and make a real impact for others are the things that give us life.

Those are things that get me gladly ripping back the covers, without an alarm at 5am, raring to go, because I’m so “amped” up about what the day holds that I simply can’t sleep any longer. That’s what drives me these days.

And you know what?

Interestingly enough, when the money does come, it’s usually in much bigger amounts. And, yet, again, it’s a byproduct because you have to feel the joy, happiness, etc. before the money comes.

It’s a prosperity and abundance mindset.

Now, that being said, most of the world doesn’t live this way.

They’re in a continual —trapped in a perpetual— state of fear-based thinking, and controlled almost entirely by avoiding pain.

Because pain and fear has captured their attention to the extent they simply can’t see anything else… they are scared to get their hopes up because they’ve had the rug yanked out from under them before.

Make sense?

That’s why you have to stay vigilant as your gathering gravity to make sure you aren’t building your field in reaction to the sneaky greener grass syndrome.

Otherwise it’ll work against you because all your gathering gravity efforts will attract more fear of missing out and increase your focus on avoiding pain at all costs.

Also tho, you should know…

…you can use greener pastures positively. Because, when leveraged properly, it keeps you growing and moves you forward.

It can remind us that there’s always more that you can accomplish…

Always greater heights.