You made it!
Here we are at the series finale. The 9th (and final) piece of your Oprah Effect puzzle follows below as promised.
And, as always, here’s your housekeeping reminder:
The tutorial below is the 9th in a series that starts with Episode #1 as its foundation, and probably won’t make much sense unless you’ve consumed the 8 parts before it. Because each part in the series picks up at —and stands on the shoulders of— the previous one in the chain.
Series Table Of Contents
~ Access Part 1 HERE;
~ Access Part 2 HERE;
~ Access Part 3 HERE;
~ Access Part 4 HERE;
~ Access Part 5 HERE;
~ Access Part 6 HERE;
~ Access Part 7 HERE; and
~ Access Part 8 HERE.
And now… here’s the exciting conclusion you’ve been waiting for :-D…
The Influence Based,
“You’re My Advisor”
Mental Conversation
You’re a rock star.
You’ve worked so hard to get here so don’t pull a Charlie Sheen…
…and forget where you came from (or who put you here).
Treat your followers with the same love and reverence they hold for you, and they will continue to deepen the Messiah-like feelings they have for you. So long as you don’t abuse the influence you now wield, you will know what Oprah feels like because your word is gold to them.
Now you have that special, coveted spot of honor inside their heart, mind, and some might even say, soul.
This new mindset they hold about you is what creates automatic compliance without questioning or conscious thought.
Because YOU say it, it “has” to be true because that’s their new inner narrative… the story they now believe to be true about you. Just like the “You’re An Asshole” mindset triggers them to want to instantly run away based on instinct, the “You’re My Advisor” conversation triggers instant, unquestioned knowing that what you say goes.
Get this. Really, let it sink in.
Because with this shift in mindset, now they truly believe that you know what’s best for them better than anyone else.
You’ve entered the Oprah zone: A space where they have so much admiration, respect, and trust for you… such a deep perceived relationship with you that they will second guess their own critical thinking, and will doubt their decisions until you give ‘em the validation they crave…
…until you validate their direction…
…until you give them the stamp of approval that validates and gives them permission to move forward.
Sound extreme?
That’s because, you’re right:
It. Is.
And it’s also why…
With Great Power, Comes
Great Responsibility
Just like Oprah takes great care to protect her brand, you must make sure you don’t abuse or take your new place of influence for granted. Like all power, it can be used to help or hurt people. And, this is too powerful to misuse.
I hope you’ll treat this with the utmost respect and never manipulate people into a decision that isn’t in their best interest!
The only reason to love people through the 6 previous mental programs is because you know in your heart-of-hearts that your influence will help them breakthrough the limitations of their old mental programs.
That before they met you, they were stuck and because of the level of faith they’ve given you, you’re truly leading them to live a much bigger future. A better, more fulfilling life for deciding to join your movement.
Protect your tribe as if they’re your newborn babies. It’s your job to keep them safe, help them grow and empower them to live an even better life than you have. You want them to live the dream. To achieve more and greater levels of success than you have. You want more for them than you do for yourself.
All of us crave love. We want to feel important and valued.
Yet, all of us feel under-appreciated.
By always putting your tribe first (make it 100% about their wants, their interests, their desires, their needs, their success, their life, etc.), you give them the greatest gift anyone has EVER given them.
If you’ve been beat down, feel forced to live a life of quiet desperation, and don’t feel valued —like you, your opinions and/or your life is worthless and doesn’t matter— you’ll take a bullet for a trusted advisor who relieves your suffering, will you not?
will you not?
Of course you would. We all would. And do.
Because, let’s face it, who ever feels they have too much love, inspiration and empowerment in their lives? Who says,
“Stop making me feel powerful. Stop appreciating my contributions. Stop recognizing and praising me publicly for how worthwhile I am. Stop giving me credit. Stop valuing my value.”
Who says that?
No one. Ever. That’s who.
With the exception of those who’ve reached enlightenment, I’ve never met a soul who feels appreciated enough…
…who feels valued enough…
…who feels they get validated enough…
…who feels good enough…
…who feels recognized and supported enough.
…who feels worthy to give love and to be loved as they really are inside.
And know what? I bet you don’t know anyone who feels truly at peace and deeply fulfilled when it comes to those things.
Sure, You may know people who put on a good show of it, but inside, in places they don’t let others see, most people live with shame… with insecurities… and with guilt that would surprise you.
It’s a hot mess for 99.9999% of us.
I do have a point to make here, which is…
It’s insatiable.
Be the one who ALWAYS makes them feel that good (not as some calculated manipulative technique, but as your genuine sense of duty) and they’ll reward you with undying loyalty.
The secret to success is growing with your tribe because they grow. You help and empower ‘em. And from their success, they give back to you…
All Of Your Success Lives
In Their Future
The better job you do helping them live a bigger future —one much bigger than would ever be without you— the more influence they’ll gladly give you.
Plus, you’ll sleep soundly because there’s no better feeling than getting what you want by “out-giving” your pack the “love” they crave.
Remember, it’s all about helping the people you serve to assimilate your vision to improve THEIR life. What you get is only a byproduct of the process you’ve led them through. It’s what you conditioned them to expect from you.
Get it? Got it. Good! 😉
Welcome To The Inner Sanctum
When someone enters into this ultimate level 7 mindset about you, you’re welcoming him or her into your inner circle.
And, THEY are welcoming you into THEIRS.
Don’t forget it’s a two way street. They’ve earned the place in your heart and you’ve got a place in theirs. And we protect our hearts with everything we’ve got because no one wants to be hurt, right?
Now, they feel a very close, deep and personal connection with you. They’ve experienced the positive results from your guidance, mentoring and leadership that got them here. They know your council works wonders because they’ve lived it several times by the time they elevate you to this mental position.
The relationship has grown to the point where they join your personal mission. It’s no longer about buying a product or service. It’s no longer about should they trust you or not. It’s no longer about do they believe and respect you.
Now it becomes about their commitment to your vision.
They like what you stand for so much that they want to support you to achieve it; they want to be a part of your “movement” and mission that you’re taking to the world.
You give their lives meaning.
And that’s huge for them because now they’re a part of a cause. They belong to something that takes them out of the quiet desperation we feel when we don’t have something bigger than ourselves to believe in (and be a part of).
Think about that for a second. Let it really seep into your consciousness.
That’s the transformation that builds the most powerful and loyal volunteer army you can imagine. They go from “customer,” “client,” or “student” to mentally deputizing themselves. It becomes their duty to follow orders and fight to the death to protect the mission at all costs!
It’s personal now!
They’ve found a place to call home. It becomes a lifestyle that fills them with pride, acceptance and even love. They hope to prove themselves worthy of being a top Lieutenant and dream of the day you publicly recognize and praise them for their contribution, help, and support.
Sound far-fetched? It’s not, I assure you.
“I have made the most wonderful discovery,
~ Napoleon Bonaparte
I have discovered men will risk their
lives, even die, for ribbons!”
When you get to this level, your followers will take it personally if anyone outside of the inner sanctum says anything negative about you, your ideas or your work in the world. It’s the birth of that special kind of rock star admiration for you where you can do no wrong.
It’s where Oprah’s power comes from.
It’s why and how buying Apple products has become a battle of “good” verses “evil” to their believers. Want to have a little fun sometime? Sit down with an Apple zealot and question a product or Jobs’ thinking on something and watch the fireworks ensue.
Remember the YouTube video I shared with you in the last installment (the 8th tutorial) of this series? You know, the press conference where Steve Jobs handled a potential shit-storm of negative publicity and spun it into a huge opportunity?
I suggest you watch at least the first 2 minutes and 25 seconds again right now, because you’ll see new brilliance given the context we’ve unpacked in this tutorial.
How’d he kickoff the “antenna-gate cover-up” press conference?
With a very funny music video that an Apple fanboy wrote, produced, sang and posted on YouTube, right?
The guy who did it wasn’t hired, paid or even asked to do it. It was his duty. That’s the way he looked at it. It was his duty to have Apple’s back, wasn’t it?
And, what did Steve do by opening his press conference with it? He set the tone, publicly recognized the guy who rushed to Apple’s defense AND he signaled to all the other Apple zealots to step their game up another level if they want that kind of praise, right?
Brilliance in motion.
See, this final mental program takes people way beyond products, services, and solutions into a higher calling. Are you familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

You know, how our lowest level needs must be met first?
And to the degree they are satisfied new needs and motivations emerge?
With the ultimate driving force being self-fulfillment, where it’s human nature to strive for more and to be the best we can be?
Can you see how this seventh level mental program of influence actually carries with it the power to feed our connection, ego, AND self-actualization needs?
Do you see how this mental conversation is one people want to have with themselves because it feeds their deepest core needs?
Are starting to see why the trusted advisor position is so damn powerful and influential?
You know what?
I don’t want the fun to stop.
That’s why, rather than ending the series here, I think I’ll do a bonus wrap up post. Maybe it’ll be sort of an unofficial epilogue.
Keep an eye out for it, okay?
Series Table Of Contents
~ Access Part 1 HERE;
~ Access Part 2 HERE;
~ Access Part 3 HERE;
~ Access Part 4 HERE;
~ Access Part 5 HERE;
~ Access Part 6 HERE;
~ Access Part 7 HERE;
~ Access Part 8 HERE;
~ Access Part 9 ABOVE;
~ Access Epilogue HERE.