Howdy Partner,
Joshua here with Part 7 in our 9 part gathering gravity series on the how-tos of creating your own Oprah Effect.
Housekeeping: The tutorial that follows below is part of a series that starts with Episode #1 and builds on from there. Each becomes the required foundation for the next.
So, if you just stumbled onto this article as your first exposure to this series (or if you’ve missed any of the preceding parts), you can access Part 1 HERE… and Part 2 is HERE… and Part 3 you’ll find HERE… and you can click HERE for Part 4… and Part 5 is waiting for you HERE… and it’s probably no surprise that Part 6 is HERE, is it?
And, if you’re ready for the 7th in this series, you know what to do…
The Respect Based,
“You’re An Authority”
Mental Conversation
With this inner narrative about you, your new friend will be mentally begging you to take the relationship trust to the next level.
Let’s dig into this a bit.
The level of the complexity we face today is out of control, is it not?
Do you know anyone who doesn’t feel confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated more often than not?
We CRAVE Clarity
People are silently crying out to be led. Someone we trust and respect to tell us what to do because all this complexity is paralyzing.
However, there’s a mental tug of war going on now because your pack wants desperately to be led, but because they’ve been misled in the past, they’re understandably gun shy with you.
There is good news, tho.
You see, this mindset makes them want to respect you because they want the relief that comes from powerful leadership and direction!
One thought will be primary for them at this point:
“Please don’t screw me over. I’m counting on you to be different and deliver on your promises. Don’t make me feel like an idiot, burn me and confirm my worst fears because if my hopes and dreams get dashed one more time, I think I’m gonna lose it!”
This means most of their remaining fears and resistance are usually just last ditch attempts to avoid the pain memories of their past stories.
They’re already emotionally committed, they just need some reasonable “logic and reason” at this point (something that makes them look good when they’re telling their family and friends why they decided to trust you enough to follow your recommended course of action for them).
Mental momentum is already working in your favor so it doesn’t take much (unless you loose your cool and start pushing).
See, at this point (with the first 4 mindsets you’ve led them through), they’ll be aware of both the headache they have and, also, have hope that your powerful pain-reliever will work on them where all the other things they’ve tried, failed them.
If it’s only a mild headache (and/or they don’t see the full power of your unique relief), they’ll probably decide to live with the pain instead of risking the greater pain of making another mistake.
If, however, their headache becomes so intense they can’t live with the pain another minute, they’ll beg for the relief you have. No need to sell, convince, or push them into anything, is there?
In fact, they’ll push you!
Now you get to have a little fun because the easiest (and quickest) way to get them over this last hurdle is to play a little hard to get.
Because what do you think happens when you, in effect, dare them not to try your unique pain relievers?
I mean, what happens to their “mild” headache if all of a sudden they might not be able to get your painkillers (or if you restrict access because you can’t risk your powerful pain-killers being abused or misused)?
What if, now, they had to pass YOUR sniff test and QUALIFY to work with YOU?
Flip the script on them like that, and without doing anything else, you’ll triggers two huge mental shifts in them automatically:
- Suddenly, their headache hurts much more. Because, now, they’re aware they might not be able to get your relief. And, also simply because it gets them to focus 100% of their attention squarely on their headache (the next time you get a headache focus on how bad it hurts and watch what happens); and
- Suddenly, their perception of the value (and uniqueness) of your relief soars. That’s because, when they see how protective you are, only allowing access to people who can handle your brand of powerful relief responsibly, their imagination starts to run wild because only something really special would be this hard to get, right?
Because all this takes place mentally, the value they see (or don’t see) is subjective. In fact, ALL value is actually 100% perceived value (like beauty, value is in the eye of the beholder).
Why do people camp out and stand in line to be first to buy the new iPhone? What happens to our desire when we think supply is limited? We want it even more, right?
It’s economics 101: Supply and demand.
Demand (the intensity of our desires) increases in direct proportion to how limited we believe the supply to be.
That’s why someone with a low to moderate desire for something all of a sudden desperately has to have it if there’s even a hint of a chance they can’t have it.
It can be a limited supply of anything (not just a product) that triggers this increase in mental value (desire). Bragging rights of being first; being on the “VIP List”; exclusive clubs; love, praise, or recognition from others with stature; trying out and getting accepted onto a winning team; and many, many, many more.
In fact, those examples are much more motivating than the typical B.S. limited time offer or special discounted price.
Anyway, the point is, the deciding factor if someone will “buy” what you’re “selling” (figuratively or literally) for the first time all hinges on the *intensity* of their desire.
Please read that again.
It’s vital at this level 5 mental program.
Successfully addressing this 5th level inner narrative is all about cranking their desire up until they can’t stand it anymore and mentally decide they gotta have it now.
However Be Warned:
Most people royally screw the pooch when it comes to cranking up desire intensity. They’ll misuse the power of supply and demand (or introduce it at the wrong point in the process).
Want people to lust after you with the intensity of their first crush?
Then never, ever, ever dare to turn up the desire volume before they enter this respect-based “You’re An Authority” stage of this process.
Otherwise it’s worse than throwing a bucket of ice water on them just as they finally settle into their steaming hot tub. It’s a complete shock to the system that’s sure to piss ‘em off!
You must have enough credibility, trust, and respect banked up in their minds before they’ll welcome a good game of “tease me, please me.”
Even with enough banked authority, if supply ’n demand is misused to manipulate (instead of truly help) people, you’ll eventually crash and burn no matter what.
Manipulation always bites you in the ass.
Although people might be tricked into doing business with you once (or maybe twice) before they see the truth, they’re a ticking time bomb.
Because besides disputing the charge with their credit card and smearing your reputation on google, twitter, facebook, etc., something MUCH worse happens:
You’ve broken the ring of trust, and they’ll never follow your recommendations again.
You’ll miss out the most profitable part of any business: The ongoing stream of future sales. Then it’s just a matter of time before it all caves in on you. You can’t outrun it for long because it’s impossible to build a business that depends on the first transaction for sustained success.
Even if you manage to squeeze a small profit in the beginning by manipulating, within about 90 days there’ll be so much carnage in your wake, say bye-bye to success (and hello to legal woes).
Know the real tragedy here?
It’s easier to build a loyal following with tons of fans eager for the next time they can gladly give you money. If people knew the legacy of obscene cash-flow, goodwill, and wealth they’re throwing away, they’d commit Seppuku.
(Seppuku is a Japanese ritual suicide in front of spectators, where they stab themselves in the abdomen with a short blade and proceed to disembowel themselves with multiple left to right motions, repenting for their sins and shame before dying. Lovely, eh?)
Look at all the effort it takes to reach the point where someone decides they know, like, trust, and respect you enough to risk doing business with you the first time. No matter what, you must always work your way through the first 5 of these mental conversations. It’s the only path to that first money transaction.
There’s simply no way around it. Ever.
So, even if you look at things from a purely selfish standpoint, why would you ever throw away all the “brain surgery” it took for them to finally know, like, trust, and respect you on the smallest transaction they’ll ever do with you?
Because get this…
Laws of Physics states a body in motion stays in motion; and a body at rest stays at rest. The transition between rest and motion (or drastically changing direction of a body already in motion) is the hard part.
And, yet, maintaining and even increasing speed is a piece of cake when motion is already present.
So if you honor your word and deliver a little unexpected “wow,” you’ll find the momentum of that first “sale” can carry you on it’s back to so many future sales it’ll blow your mind.
The gravity of what you gathered takes on life all its own and does 99% of the remaining “work” for you. That is if you continue to harness, direct, and ride it all the way home.
You just keep the train from derailing.
Your 1% involvement at this point comes down to one simple thing:
Never betray their trust and respect.
Yes, it really is that simple.
Got it?
Coming your way soon, Episode 8 is (said in the voice of Yoda)
Series Table Of Contents
~ Access Part 1 HERE;
~ Access Part 2 HERE;
~ Access Part 3 HERE;
~ Access Part 4 HERE;
~ Access Part 5 HERE;
~ Access Part 6 HERE;
~ Access Part 7 ABOVE;
~ Access Part 8 HERE;